Home»Music»To the 87 years died Jerry Lee Lewis, one of the pioneers of rock and roll

To the 87 years died Jerry Lee Lewis, one of the pioneers of rock and roll

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Jerry Lee Lewis, a true legend of rock and roll and one of the most controversial artists passed away at 87 years in his Mississippi residence.

Nicknamed "The murderer" for his way of playing the piano when going on stage, Lewis was a true rock icon, thanks to songs that transcended generations like “Whole lotta shakin’” or “Great balls of fire”, several other.

On the other hand, the outstanding musician was always a sought after name at the time of the controversies, especially when he married at 22 with his cousin's daughter (the bassist of his band, J.W Brown), who had 13 years.

Beyond all controversy, Jerry Lee Lewis is a name that undoubtedly integrates a constellation of artists along with Elvis Presley and Little Richard, two of the great exponents of the genre who were key at the time of the rise of rock and roll in the '50s. In the mid '80s, Lewis was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

His work was also part of the Seventh Art, since in each of the movies related to rock, his name was a must mention. further, in 1989 autobiographical tape was made “big balls of fire” (Great balls of fire!), with Dennis Quaid in the role of the musician, accompanied by Winona Ryder.

It is worth remembering that in August 1992 August came for the first –and only- time to our country, to give two concerts at the Gran Rex Theater.

Despite having 57 years, on the first occasion Lewis took the stage and could only perform a few songs, provoking public anger and then recording a series of incidents.

To avoid repeating what happened during the first presentation, on the second night his group went on stage early and performed some songs, before receiving his frontman, that again could not provide a full concert.

His last recording was produced in 2004, con una serie de duetos bajo el nombre “Last man standing” y que tuvo la participación de artistas como Little Richard, Mick Jagger, John Fogerty, Jimmy Page, Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr, Neil Young, Keith Richard, BB King y Buddy Guy.

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