Home»Music»Preview of Pappo's live album on his birthday

Preview of Pappo's live album on his birthday

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This Wednesday Norberto Aníbal Napolitano, better known as Pappo, I would have fulfilled 71 years. In this context and as a tribute, material was anticipated that will be part of a live album recorded in 2005.

The subject in question is the classic "Dirty and sloppy", corresponding to the show that Carpo gave that year at Cosquín Rock. further, on that occasion he was accompanied by the great Charly García as a guest. Another of the great presences is that of Miguel “Botafogo” Vilanova.

The song can now be heard on all digital platforms, while the full album will be released in May, artistically produced by Luciano Napolitano, son of the remembered guitarist.

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