Home»theater»Argentina and Mexico together in a Binational Theater Encounter

Argentina and Mexico together in a Binational Theater Encounter

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Between 19 and the 28 March our country and Mexico will jointly develop the Binational Meeting of Contemporary Theater from Punta a Punta, with a special focus on World Theater Day which is celebrated on 27 of that month.

The meeting will be held within the framework of the cultural cooperation program between both countries for the period 2021-2022. In that context, this Tuesday (to 14 h Argentina time and 11 from Mexico), a live press conference will be held via Facebook, which can be accessed by doing Click here!

For our country, The authorities that will be part of it are the Secretary of Cultural Management of the Ministry of Culture of the Nation Maximiliano Uceda, the Executive Director of the National Institute of the Gustavo Ariel Uano Theater, the Director of the Cervantes National Theater Ruben D’Audia and the National Director of Federal Integration and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Culture Ariela Peretti.

At the same time, For Mexico the National Coordinator of INBAL Theater Daniel Miranda will attend, the Deputy Director of the Angeles Castro National Center for the Arts and the Artistic Director of the National Theater Company of INBAL Enrique Singer.

The purpose of the Binational Encounter is to offer different proposals such as plays from both countries for different audiences, discussion tables with the directors and directors of the works, workshops and editorial tables.

From Mexico, five plays have been programmed for children and youth, as well as twelve stage productions for adults. The National Theater Institute (INT) and the Cervantes National Theater (TNC) will participate with a total of 12 works.

As for the conversation tables they will be 13 in total and will mean a point of discussion of various topics related to the programming lines agreed between both countries: feminisms, accessibility, performing arts and new technologies, national dramaturgies, contemporary theater and publishing activity.

All the works will be presented through the different platforms of each of the participating institutions.

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