Home»interviews»Ariel Minimal: “At this point rock is a classic form and nostalgia begins to carve”

Ariel Minimal: “At this point rock is a classic form and nostalgia begins to carve”

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The singer and guitarist of Pez spoke with The sidewalk anticipating what the celebration will be like 24 anniversary of “Frágilinvincible”, the album that marked a before and after in his career.

The appointment will be on Saturday 20 July in Niceto, with tickets on sale at the box office of the traditional Buenos Aires venue or through the PassLine system.

When asked about the title of the album, its meaning and feelings; Minimal explained that “when you have nothing, You don't have anything to lose either” and added that: “That puts you in a unique situation.”. Inside the CD a text said 'nothing to lose, nothing to prove, exist to exist…’. I think that's always in the air.. so fragile, invincible".

Today, a 24 years since the release of the album, For the musician it is “inevitable to listen to it and remember the context. It is a clear postcard of that moment of the band”.

The recording and production process of “Frágilinvencible” was quite unique. Could you share some anecdotes or challenges you faced during filming??

The album was recorded in one of the large rooms of the old T.N.T studios. They lent us a console and a tape recorder. 8 channels. So you couldn't fail.

We recorded the trio live and then there was one channel for the vocals and another for a solo or a guest.

It is an honest album with a sound that today we could call vintage, but we know that in reality it was a bare budget… (laughs).

The Pez fan especially values ​​representations or evocations of previous albums. Why do you think that happens??

Not only the Pez fan, It's something that happens on a global scale.. At this point rock is a classic form and nostalgia begins to carve. We try to do everything at the same time… celebrate an old album and shine a new one.

They are songs that have crossed almost all of Pez's formations.. What is going to be special about this representation??

Representing it comes from a theatrical situation if you like.… a staging. Let's recreate “Frágilinvincible” the way people know it. And this current quartet is a great interpreter of that heaviest Pez.

looking back, Is there a song on “Frágilinvincible” that has a special meaning for you or that has taken on a new meaning over time??

If I get philosophical there are Pez lyrics that later in life, singing them, I felt like they were speaking to me clearly about that current moment I was going through., as an emotional roadmap…But I don't usually get philosophical.

How do you feel about playing this album in its entirety again?, and what do you hope the fans (both old and new) take away from this experience at Niceto Club?

I remember myself in the songs, I remember who it was. And I want it to be a powerful moment for people and for us., let the energy be palpable.

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