Home»theater»"Artery: “La revancha” had its successful debut at the Area theater 623

"Artery: “La revancha” had its successful debut at the Area theater 623

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The show “Artery: “La revancha” began its season at the Area theater 623 with great impact and under the direction of Camila Esmok and Sol Vázquez.

The proposal can be seen every Sunday in October starting at 19 hours, with tickets that can be purchased through the EvenBrite system or at the ticket offices of the venue located above Pasco 623.

This work was born in 2020, first in virtual format thanks to the support of the INT. A year later it was part of the ESCENA festival 8 and was presented in a hybrid format within the Espacio Belgrado showcase.

Already in 2022 He held a residency at the NAVE platform and performed at the Borges Cultural Center within the framework of FAUNA. The work has the support of the Metropolitan Fund for the Arts (2021) and PRODANCE (2023).

In “Artery” dance and music are key to coming together and creating an enigmatic fiction in a space – techno-futuristic time and thus demonstrate the power relationship that technological devices maintain with “humans”.

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