Home»theater»"Adventure in the Temple. A trip to the past ”ended its season

"Adventure in the Temple. A trip to the past ”ended its season

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The show "Adventure in the Temple. A trip to the past ”finished his functions that they received near 15 thousand spectators during the winter holidays.

This theatrical proposal -a specially designed installation in La Rural- allowed families to enjoy, without getting out of the car and in an innovative way, an interactive presentation that allowed them to discover the history and charms of the Great Sacred Temple.

An original project that invited you to explore, from the safety and comfort of each family's vehicle, the Second Temple of Jerusalem, to discover the charms of this historical and sacred place built four centuries before the common era.

Hosts and guards presented with humor and mischief the most precious objects, its huge structures, their patios and doors as they awaited the arrival of a very important and disturbing visitor.

The show, novel in its format, featured four stunning scenarios, more of 25 artists on stage with stories that made the family laugh and thrill. Screens, shades, lighting effects, interactive games and music.

The proposal consisted of a tour whose duration was approximately 45 minutes, with sound transmitted through vehicle radio.

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