Home»Who, And TV Series»"Looking for Panzeri", the premiere that can be seen at Puentes de Cine

"Looking for Panzeri", the premiere that can be seen at Puentes de Cine

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The 30 July comes the virtual room of Puentes de Cine the documentary "Looking for Panzeri", the realization of Sebastián Kohan Esquinazi that covers the life of the famous journalist.

The film can be seen on the site puentedecine.com, previously buying the ticket that has a cost of 160 pesos, which can be paid at the Virtual Cinema home, choosing the cover of the film and also through Mercado Pago.

Panzeri was an honest man, a critical journalist and a freethinker. He faced power and died alone and forgotten. In that context, the director - an outsider obsessed with doing justice- decided to get Panzeri out of ostracism and bring him back to this world. Without Panzeri football has its days numbered.

During the course of the tape, testimonies from prominent journalists and writers such as Ezequiel Fernández Moores can be heard, Carlos Ulanosky, Matías Bauso, Tomás Abraham or Pol Ajenjo.

It should be noted that Panzeri is the most cited and least read journalist, the most critical and most forgotten. Within this framework, Argentina appears as a country with selective memory, increasingly bloody sports journalism and increasingly sad football.

"Finding Panzeri" is the story of a tenacious search, almost a decade, of all that was left of Panzeri, to rebuild it and bring it to the present. Panzeri is a combat tool, get it back, a resistance exercise.

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