Home»theater»"Doll's House", Ibsen's classic, will have its premiere at the Border

"Doll's House", Ibsen's classic, will have its premiere at the Border

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Thursday 20 January will start the season of “Dollhouse”, one of the great classics of master Henrik Ibsen, that can be seen on the stage of the Border Theater.

Under the direction of Lizardo Laphitz, this new version of the historic staging features performances by Gabriela Puig, Saints Vicchi, Agustina Saenz, Alexander Holm, Luciana Lamota and Richard Courbrant.

In "Dollhouse" a visionary Ibsen invites 140 years later, in a world that fights for the construction of a fairer and more egalitarian social model, to rethink through their texts, reflecting once again on the human condition.

Tickets are on sale through the Alternativa Teatral system or at the ticket offices of the venue located on Godoy Cruz. 1838. As for the functions, will be given every Thursday from 20.

"Dollhouse" was written at the end of the 19th century and is considered one of the most transgressive and revolutionary works in the history of theater.

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