Home»Who, And TV Series»Film series dedicated to Robert Bresson at the CNB

Film series dedicated to Robert Bresson at the CNB

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From this one 12 June and every Sunday of the month, the National Bicentennial House (CNB) will carry out a film cycle dedicated to the French director Robert Bresson.

Free admission and from 19.30, the public will be able to appreciate part of the filmography of this renowned European director, with fully digitally restored projections.

The selection screened in this cycle includes works from the last three decades of his filmography. In each one, Bresson poses his worldview as a religious experience.

Esta actividad se desarrolla con el apoyo Institut Français d’Argentine y la Embajada de Francia en Argentina.

La primera de las películas en exhibirse será “Al azar de Balthazar” (Au hasard Balthazar, 1966), película que narra la vida del burro Balthazar, en medio de los dramas y las muertes humanas.

El burro vivía feliz junto con una tímida campesina llamada Marie, pero sus caminos se separan y ya nada volverá a ser lo mismo para ninguno de los dos. Both are going to be mistreated from now on by the people they meet on their way, with a story that follows both characters with their misfortunes.

Programming will be completed on Sunday 19 with “Lancelot du Lac” (1974) -a French version of the Camelot story, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table- and Sunday 26 June with “The money” (Money, 1983) –film that reflects the route of a false ticket and the consequences it will bring on a person who was only looking to buy food-.

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