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Cycle of independent and free plays in the Abasto

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between sunday 6 and the 17 November, a free cycle of theatrical works will be held in the Abasto neighborhood of Buenos Aires that will focus on the identity of the commune.

This proposal will be carried out hand in hand with cultural spaces and referents of independent culture, who will be part of the Abasto in Situ circuit. Within this framework, the works will be based on the particularities and characters of the neighborhood.

It should be noted that this activity is carried out as a result of the Month of Independent Culture, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the City -through Abasto Barrio Cultural-.

On the other hand, There will also be performance actions and a tribute for the anniversary of the death of Batato Barea, iconic figure of the culture and neighbor of the Abasto. Bear, who died ago 31 years, will have his tribute at the intersection of Zelaya and Jean Jaures.

The Abasto in Situ cycle was developed in conjunction with benchmarks of independent culture in the neighborhood such as the Macedonian Cultural Center, the Roseti Space and the El Extranjero Theater.

further, the groups Teatro Bombón Vecinal and JIRA will present performance actions, while the Bar Roma and the Torre Blanca Chess Circle -through the General Directorate of Artistic Education of the Ministry of Culture of the City- will exhibit two works created especially for those spaces.

The works that will be part of the cycle

Las Reli -A Band of Girls-: The work focuses on the universe of the Orthodox Jewish community that lives in the Abasto neighborhood. It is about the beliefs and the small and large concessions that a person is willing to make in pursuit of larger desires..

The participants will be immersed in the practices that make Judaism, letting themselves be carried away by fiction.

functions: Sunday 6 November at 14:30 h and at 16:30 h; Saturday 12 November at 16:30 h; Thursday 8 December at 16:00 h.

Toño: is a Colombian immigrant who grew up in the streets of his homeland and brings with him a story of struggle and overcoming. The new audiodrama by Mariano Stolkiner resignifies the cultural heritage of some points of the Abasto from Toño's experience and his relationship with the neighborhood.

functions: Sunday 6 November at 18:30 h; Saturday 12 November at 15:30 h y 17:30 h; Thursday 8 December at 18:00 h.

Abasto kinematics: a nomadic public will be invited to tour the “real” world of the Abasto neighborhood of Buenos Aires and then move to a closed room in which multiple displacements and reconfigurations can be generated. In this experience you will be able to appreciate the oscillation between the incessant pulse of the vital and its subsequent conversion process into an aesthetic event..

functions: Thursday 8 December at 17:00 h; Sunday 11 December at 17:00 h; Friday 16 December at 17:00 h; Saturday 17 December at 17:00 h.

It is worth mentioning that to see any of these shows you will simply have to register by doing Click here!

be and go: it is a work created specifically for the Parque de la Estación. It is an invitation to rediscover the ways of inhabiting space and building individual and collective stories through a change of pace to enrich perception through a call to attention on the everyday..

Directed by Carla Fonseca, the cast is made up of actors, musicians, dancers and students of the UNA. They add up, also, occasional passers-by as performers of this proposal.

Place: Station Park.

Date: Sunday 6 November at 15:30 h.

Entry: free and gratuitous.

neighborhood hottie: it is a community activation that invites artists and residents of the neighborhood to participate in the performance actions. Among the proposals there will be a karaoke, a k-pop battle and a communal party.

Place: Sánchez de Bustamante between Sarmiento and Perón.

Date: Saturday 12 November 18:00 a 22:30 h.

Entry: free and gratuitous.

Petrov Defense: a chess player is about to carry out an act of protest. A young man, shyly drawn to her, approaches showing interest in your practice. The player introduces him on the board until he becomes an accomplice in her master move.

Place: White Rook Chess Circle, Sanchez de Bustamante 587.

functions: 6 November at 15:00 h and at 17:00 h; 12 November at 15:00 h and at 17:00 h.

Entry: free and free by order of arrival until the capacity of the place is completed.

Bar Rome: An unexpected encounter takes place in this mythical and remarkable bar in Abasto. Manuela arrives at the Roma bar in a state of shock after having crashed her partner's car and collapses on one of the tables waiting for the vehicle to be towed.. Julian is coming, who works there, to serve her. They were schoolmates and today they barely recognize each other. Looking at each other they discover what time has done and undone in them. This fleeting encounter may make them change the course of their lives or reinvent themselves, being able to remember who they were.

Place: Rome of the Abasto, Anchorena 806.

functions: 6 November at 16:00 h and at 18:00 h; 12 November at 16:00 h and at 18:00 h.

Entry: free and free by order of arrival until the capacity of the place is completed.

The supply is barea: Tribute to Batato: Batato Barea was a performer, actor y clown. He died very young. But nevertheless, the strength of his life and his work, indivisible from each other, were the living testimony of the years in which the country regained democracy.

Seven artist friends and colleagues of Batato were summoned to create a performance installation that celebrates his life and his poetry. The objective is to remember and vindicate one of the most radical expressions of freedom of the Buenos Aires underground of the 80s.. The tribute will culminate with a street party.

This initiative is done, so, by way of closure of In Situ, but also to commemorate the 31 years after Barea's death as well as to celebrate the 39th anniversary of the return of democracy. The invited artists for the celebration are: Fernando Noy, Cap Cipolatti, Maria Graña, Esteban Morgado, Damian Dreizik, Maria Jose Gabin, Peter Pank and Alejandro Ros.

Place: corner of Zelaya and Jean Jaurés.

Date: Thursday 8 from December 18:00 h.

Entry: free and gratuitous

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