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The first call for "Argentine Festivals" began

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Until the 26 January all those public organizations and non-profit associations throughout the country will be able to participate in the first call for "Argentine Festivals" organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Nation.

It is a new tool to financially support the holding of parties, festivals and cultural events in all provinces and municipalities of the country, with public or not.

First, All those proposals must be scheduled between 19 March and 30 June 2021 and due to the current health context, Only those celebrations that have a current sanitary protocol approved by the provincial and / or national authorities on the date scheduled for their realization may apply., as appropriate.

As reported by the Ministry through a statement, "Our festivals are fundamental expressions for the effective exercise of cultural rights, since they facilitate the access and enjoyment of symbolic goods to the public; and promote the creation, circulation and distribution of productions of the various disciplines, genres and artistic styles that exist throughout the country ".

In this sense, "It is intended to enhance the characteristics of each celebration to promote its dissemination, territorial insertion and the interest of new audiences, thinking about its sustainability over time ".

The call will especially value all those parties that promote emerging cultural expressions, that contribute to the federal circulation of audiences and content, and that transcend the scenic moment, promoting the construction of cultural citizenship through community participation (clinics, workshops, talks or fairs, to name a few).

Those interested may register in four categories according to the number of attendees registered in past editions, with amounts ranging from $650.000 a $185.000. There will also be a unique category for celebrations conceived for transmission through free streaming and / or through open television channels., with an amount up to $290.000.

The selected parties will receive the financial support requested in the budget, according to the corresponding category, and respecting the financing limits and the percentage limits established in the regulations.

The instructions to apply, the rules, the forms, the criteria for project selection and all available information can be reviewed on the website of the Ministry of Culture, doing Click here!

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