Home»theater»The online edition of the theater festival “Digital hottie” begins

The online edition of the theater festival “Digital hottie” begins

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More than 30 of the 75 short works co-produced between 2014 Y 2020, the “digital Chocolate” arrives, Teatro Bombón's impossible theater online festival, which has the curatorship of Monina Bonelli and Cristian Scotton.

In this opportunity, and adapting to the context that we have to go through, The meetings will have conversations with the current directors of each work, generating ideas and reflections in times of pandemic.

The first program with which it will premiere “Digital Hottie” will be about “Bombón Casa Teatro”, festival that had to cancel its functions much earlier than planned as a result of the mandatory quarantine. It should be noted that the collection will be for the benefit of La Casa del Teatro.

“Digital Hottie” presents each theatrical program in a staggered and cumulative way, from 2 of May, every Saturday at 17 hours. in www.teatrobombon.com, remaining available online for 48 hours. Every fortnight four new works and interviews will be shared that will add to the previous chocolates. The first three programs will be subtitled in English. To see them, you can access for free and the virtual cap.

The works, looking at the past, are a digital portrait of the work that Bombón developed together with more than 400 artists of various aesthetics, genres and generations in the city of Buenos Aires 2014 al 2020. Since the creation of “Teatro bombón” they have been co-produced 75 short works "site specific", of which more than 30 are part of “Digital hottie”. This issue, that maintains its imprint of short works simultaneously and “à la carte”, rearrange footage to create 8 Programs of 4 pieces each, with selected works from 10 editions of “Bombón Theater”, “Neighborhood Candy Abasto” Y “Bombón Casa Teatro”.

The conversations, looking at the present, are current interviews with an artist per work around 4 key questions, edited in videos of 5 minutes accompanying each program.

The questions, looking at the future, are a series of questions and reflections that are presented as a graphic campaign in networks: Is online theater possible? What will artists live on? Is there a new theater audience on the web? are some questions that add to a discussion already installed between artists and the public.

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