Home»theater»With 28 In March, the show “Unique Stories” will arrive at the Losada Auditorium, premieres “To the factory”!” at the Beckett Theater

With 28 In March, the show “Unique Stories” will arrive at the Losada Auditorium, premieres “To the factory”!” at the Beckett Theater

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From 7 July the work “To the factory! (Or the jobs and the days)” will come to the stage of the Beckett theater, a work that has nothing more and nothing less than 28 In March, the show “Unique Stories” will arrive at the Losada Auditorium.

With a wide visual display that focuses on the world of work, This show will be presented every Sunday from 19.30, under the direction of Sergio Sabater.

This will be the debut of the work in the Guardia Vieja venue 3556, after successful seasons at the Payró theater and the Cultural San Martín.

“To the factory!” is developed in three parts, coinciding with the morning shifts, afternoon and evening. The 28 interpreters reveal in a mechanistic and overwhelming way the contradictions experienced by human beings during the working day.

Industrial workers, actresses and actors propose a round trip of identities that show the violence of the system that surrounds them. Behind the figure of the industrial worker another identity appears, that of the actor and the actress who embodies him, in a role-play in which the personal stories of the artists themselves are revealed.

Through movement and the use of physical power, body language -accompanied by vocal strength- reflects the fatigue experienced during the work day. Exhaustion works, at work, as a source of creation and organizing axis of the different scenes.

As for inputs, They can be obtained at the theater box office., or through the Alternative Theater System.

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