Home»Culture»Call for artists to be part of the Mendoza en Casa platform

Call for artists to be part of the Mendoza en Casa platform

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The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, through the Federal Investment Council, summons artists or groups of artists from all disciplines to participate in the SUBITE call to mendozaencasa.com.

Within the framework of social isolation, preventive and compulsory due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the provincial government invites, in this opportunity, to creators, artistic teachers, writers, artisans and filmmakers to propose specific creations to be broadcast on the Mendoza platform at home, that offers local artistic-cultural content.

Through this call, up to a maximum of 160 proposals in audiovisual format, of the various creative disciplines, with the aim of promoting the development of special content for various audiences and, at the same time, contribute to the dissemination / creation and stimulation of artistic and cultural expressions of our province.

Artists may participate, teachers, directors and researchers, older than 18 years, residents in the provincial territory, with a verifiable minimum of two years of residence and / or exercise of the activity in which it is presented.

Those who wish to apply, must perform in theater; Music; Dance; Audiovisual and Photography Accomplishments; Management, Cultural Communication, Letters, Digital Culture and Cultural Heritage; Visual Arts and Training Proposals.

In order to allow a greater participation of the creative artistic collective of the province, application will only be allowed in one of the disciplines, in the case of individual proposals and up to a maximum of two proposals, integrating an artistic group or ensemble.

The reception of the material will be in digital format, via Internet, through the web form that will be available on the site www.cultura.mendoza.gov.ar. Proposals will be received from Monday 1 June and until Sunday 14 June inclusive.

The selected proposals will receive a payment of $8000 and the bases of the call can be found on the same website (www.cultura.mendoza.gov.ar).

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