Home»theater»Four theatrical proposals to enjoy the winter holidays

Four theatrical proposals to enjoy the winter holidays

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There are only a few days left before the arrival of the winter holidays and for this reason the theatrical proposals multiply with stories to enjoy with the family.

This is the case of "Ana and Wiwi", "Sleep", “Alicia confusion” and “You see it or you don't see it”, productions that also include music and puppets.

In the first place “Ana y Wiwi” is a work by Lorena Romanin, headed by Luciana Grasso, Mariano Mandetta, Jorgelina Vera and the puppeteer Daniela Fiorentino. They are accompanied by the musician Yacaré Manso.

With performances on Sundays from 16 hours in the CC25 of May (Triumvirate Avenue 444), this work intends to leave a sensitive and emotional message, that talks about friendship, love, the tenderness, and the bond with animals.

tickets (since 600 pesos) they can be obtained at the venue's ticket offices or through Alternativa Teatral.

“Sleep” is presented at the CC25 of May

“Sueño” is a show that brings together four performers, who gather in the woods to rehearse a play, without realizing it, they will be surrounded by magical beings willing to capriciously play with their emotions.

This play is a production of the Criolla Company and has dramaturgy and direction by Emiliano Dionisi, starring Lucia Baya Casal, Julia Gárriz, Ramiro Delgado and Dionisi himself.

Performances are on Saturdays from 16 hours in the main room of the enclosure and on vacation they will be from Friday to Sunday until 31 of July.

tickets (since 600 pesos) they can be obtained at the ticket offices or by Alternativa Teatral.

From the hand of Juan Ignacio Fernández comes “Alice Confusion”, work with the participation of Matías Corradino, Keila Fainstein, Manuela Iseas, Santiago Kuster, Sabrina Marcantonio and Florencia Zothner Ciatti, under the direction of Cecilia Meijide.

This proposal can be seen at the Ítaca Teatro Complex in Humahuaca 4027 on Saturdays and Sundays from 16, with tickets (of 1200 pesos) that can be obtained at the ticket offices or by Alternativa Teatral.

“Alice Confusion”, work presented at Ítaca Teatro Complex

The text of this staging takes up the Lewis Carroll classic to tell the story of a girl who arrives in a world where one can only be what one does and do what one is.. In that context, uncomfortable with the lack of freedom, the protagonist tries to help the inhabitants of the kingdom to find other ways of being, other forms of identity, before the absorbed gaze of a Queen who needs everything to be as it should be.

“you see it or you don't see it” is inspired by María Elena Walsh

Finally, "You see it or you don't see it" is a musical show directed by María Mangone inspired by the poetic universe of María Elena Walsh.

This work will only be presented four times (19, 23, 27 Y 31 of July) from 15.30 in the Paseo La Plaza.

The proposal will investigate, through humor and innocence, the place that fantasy occupies in the world we live in. It features the performances of Julián Rodríguez Rona and María Macchiarola

Tickets can be obtained at the venue located on Corrientes Avenue 1660 or by PlateaNet, at a cost of 1700 pesos.

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