Home»theater»Daniel Marcove will direct the play “Café Central” in El Tinglado

Daniel Marcove will direct the play “Café Central” in El Tinglado

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The 30 In March the work “Café Central” will arrive at El Tinglado, a text by Mario Diament that is directed by Daniel Marcove.

This play will feature a cast made up of Marcos Woinski, Junior Pisanu, Gabriel Nicola, Mariano Engel, Amanda Bond, Mango Guest, Sebastian Dartayete, Nacho Stamati, Camila Truyol, Lucas Matey, Toto Salinas, Beni Gentilini and Arnoldo Tytelmamol. As for the performances, they will be on Saturdays and Sundays at 20 Y 18 hours, respectively.

The show focuses on the years before the First World War., more precisely in the city of Vienna, where the intellectual and political epicenter of Europe was located in a traditional cafe.

The writers Stefan Zweig will parade there, Franz Werfel and Karl Kraus; Psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler, the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, the pintor Oskar Kokoschka; Alma Mahler, the composer's widow and political exiles like Trotsky, Stalin and the future Marshal Tito. A strange character called Adolf Hitler also occasionally came to sell his watercolors..

The plot will take place over the course of a day in 1913 and another similar one in 1933, interweaving stories and linking conversations. The references are historical but what they convey are omens of astonishing relevance., as valid for today's Argentina as for the world.

As for inputs, They can be purchased at the ticket offices of the venue located on Mario Bravo 948 or by Alternative Theater.

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