Home»theater»The show “Imagen Velada” debuts at the Astros Theater

The show “Imagen Velada” debuts at the Astros Theater

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The work “Veiled Image”, written and directed by Santiago Gobernori, will have its premiere at the Astros Theater on Tuesday 14 January at 20 hours.

This work has the general production of Bárbara Lombardo and Sebastián Celoria, and a cast that includes Victoria Baldomir, Julian Cabrera, Paloma contreras, Marcos Ferrante, Nicolas Gimenez, Tincho Lups, Barbara Masso, Facundo Livio Mejías, Paula Pichersky, William Prociuk y Sabrina Zelaschi.

The plot follows the wandering spirit of a querandí who died centuries ago., who, trapped in his own condemnation, witness a group of friends partying weekend in a country club on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.

Tickets are available at the theater box office or through the Ticket One platform..

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