Home»theater»Diego Brienza premieres "Collective", the work of Laura Fernández

Diego Brienza premieres "Collective", the work of Laura Fernández

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Director Diego Brienza will premiere “Colectivo”, work whose drama belongs to Laura Fernández at the Andamio theater 90.

With features from the 22 hours, the work will have the participation of Mercedes Ferrería, Agatha Fresco, Eugenia Ghiselli, Claudia Mac Auliffe, May Ñañez, Daniel Salerno, Analía Sánchez and Andrea Varchavsky, plus the presence of the musicians on stage Manuel Eguía and Gabriel Gonzalo García.

This show focuses its plot on the border between Argentina and Bolivia, there will be seven women traveling in a group of dubious legality, while they wait for the eighth passenger to come back up.

In that place, the gendarmes have just made the passenger get off for an unknown reason. The rest of the women will talk about different topics, going through the pleasure, boredom, despair and money.

Thanks to that moment of waiting, the protagonists will be linked in a more or less friendly way.

It is worth noting that this work was distinguished with a Special Mention in the National Contest of Theatrical Works "Power and Politics" of the General Directorate of Culture of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation.

Tickets can be obtained at the ticket offices of the venue located on Paraná 660 or through the Alternative Theater System.

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