Home»theater»"Toady", new show arrives at Teatro Regio

"Toady", new show arrives at Teatro Regio

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Since Friday 28 of June, "Toady" -comedia Carlo Goldoni will arrive on stage at the Teatro Regio, under the direction of Luciano Suardi.

Organized by the Theater Complex of Buenos Aires (CTBA), the grounds of the Avenida Cordoba 6056 He will welcome this new work is played by Alejandro Awada, Guillermo Arengo, Noralih Gago, Francisco Lumerman, Julia Gárriz, Fabiana Falcón, Fernando Contigiani, Adriana Ferrer, José María Ardohain, Renata Boldini, Tomas Fernandez Castano, Micaela Gaudino, Lisi Gay, Santiago Martin, Gisela Rebichini and Maria Florencia Zarate.

This show aims to ridicule weaknesses and foibles to get privileges in power, certainly, They are not only attributable to the eighteenth-century society.

In that context, the author ventured to treat political issues in a comic development, when those matters reserved to tragedy. Revisit this puzzling piece, anomalous, exotic comedy never represented in Argentina, proposes the challenge of finding a contemporary theatricality while questioning the viewer about substantial aspects of political activity present.

The work will begin at 20.30 and functions are Thursdays through Saturdays at the same hours and on Sunday from 20. Tickets may be obtained at the box offices of good theater or through the official website of the CTBA.

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