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The Anne Frank Center celebrated its 10th Anniversary on the campus Technopolis

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Coinciding with the 90th anniversary of the birth of Anne Frank, Argentine Center that bears his name also celebrated its tenth birthday on the grounds of Technopolis, with more than a thousand children belonging to primary schools, Special and secondary.

The celebration included the presentation of the work done by boys 6th and 7th grade, first year of middle school students and special education that were part of the national experience of Project VI Newspapers.

The 75 newspapers created by each of the participating schools, They were exposed in colorful panels containing five articles chosen by themselves, related to the themes of the life of Anne Frank, Nazism, the last military dictatorship in Argentina and Human Rights today.

In total there were more than 1000 the boys who participated in the ceremony began with a speech by the Director of the Anne Frank Center, Héctor Shalom, who he was touched by "the beauty and depth of what they wrote. They have written about the horror but have also written about those who protected others ". He also said that from the Anne Frank Center are carried out two central objectives "prevent new genocides and state terrorism to invade our country and that violence and discrimination no longer exist in our classrooms, courses and neighborhoods. We have the right to live without violence ".

Each school received a certificate for their participation in the project. The provinces of Chaco, Santa Fe and Cordoba were present.

The celebration ended with the presentation of what will be the central song “Ana Frank, the musical” directed by Angel Mahler, played by the protagonist, Albertina Wilson. The same will be released 11 July at 20 in the new Anne Frank Hall Theater, inaugurated 12 of June.

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