Home»Culture»The Cultural Recolecta inaugurated the series of talks dedicated to Julio Cortázar

The Cultural Recolecta inaugurated the series of talks dedicated to Julio Cortázar

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Recently the Recoleta Cultural Center began with “The Gates of Heaven”, the series of talks dedicated to the famous writer Julio Cortázar that will run until the end of September.

These activities are carried out within the framework of the celebrations for the Cortázar Year, organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City. The first of the days had the presentation of Juan José Becerra and Guillermo Piro who discussed the importance and legacy of the classic novel “Rayuela”.

Throughout “The Gates of Heaven”, The talks will be held around all of Cortázar's work, his stories and tales. Within that context, guest writers will be presented, critics and artists who will talk about one of the most representative writers not only in the country, but throughout Latin America.

The cycle coordinator, Juan Maisonnave, expressed that “Cortázar as a genre writer exerted a decisive influence on contemporary authors such as Mariana Enríquez, Samanta Schweblin and Luciano Lamberti, among others” and added: “Member of a powerful generation of Argentine storytellers, popular author of his time, He was later displaced by operations of what Roberto Bolaño called the 'heavy' literary. The series will try to answer the question about the validity of Julio Cortázar's literature well into the 21st century.".

Then, The sidewalk shows you the rest of the cycle programming that can be enjoyed freely and free of charge at the venue located on Junín 1930.

mié. 21.08, 19 hours in the Chapel

The other side: the space-time rupture and the doubling in Cortázar's stories with Silvia Hopenhayn and Luciano Lamberti. From “Bestiario” to “All the fires the fire”, passing through “The Secret Weapons” and “Endgame”, Perhaps the best of his work is concentrated in the short narrative of Julio Cortázar.. What were your tricks?, their resources, his insistences?

A tour of classic stories and the analysis of some of their resources: jumps to other dimensions, spatiotemporal alterations, characters on the borders between sleep and wakefulness, between reality and the dream, the present and the past, the real and the fantastic.

mié. 11.09, 19 hours at the cinema

I'm playing this tomorrow. Cortazar, jazz fan and compulsive music lover with Pablo Gianera and Adrián Iaies. The influence of jazz, but also contemporary music, flies over much of Cortazar's narrative, from his famous story “The Pursuer” to “Hopscotch” and “Último round”. In what stylistic gestures of your prose can the pulse of bebop be detected?? What jazz figures are mentioned in your books?? Works of classical music and presence of the orchestras in “Las ménades” and Un tal Lucas.

mié. 25.09, 19 hours at the cinema

The doors of the cinema: Manuel Antín and Michelangelo Antonioni, readers of Cortázar with Leonardo D’ Esposito and Javier Porta Fouz. Among the film adaptations of Cortazar, There was one that led to a long epistolary friendship. Manuel Antín and the “writer he would have liked to be”, from whom he adapted “Letters from Mom”, “Circe”, “Continuity of the parks” and “The idol of the Cyclades”. How were the filming of The Odd Figure? (1962), Circe (1964) and Privacy of the parks (1965). Cortázar's collaboration in writing the script and Antín's importance in the history of national cinema. En Blow Up (1966), Did Antonioni betray Cortázar, o the film captures the true spirit of “Las babas del diablo”?

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