Home»Who, And TV Series»The FINCA Festival presented the awards for its new edition

The FINCA Festival presented the awards for its new edition

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The 7th edition of the International Environmental Film Festival (FINCA) ended and had the awards ceremony for the winners of all categories.

In that context, productions from Argentina were recognized, Brazil, Mexico, United Kingdom and United States. All of them were highlighted for their diversity, innovation in language and narratives, and for bringing together realities from different territories that deserve to be told.

Winning Movies

Official International Feature Film Competition

First prize: “WATER FOR LIFE” de Will Parrinello (U.S, 2023)

Special mention: “THE AGRONOMIST” by Martín Turnes (Argentina, 2024′)

Official Latin American Documentary Competition

First prize: "LISTEN: THE EARTH WAS TORN” by Cassandra Mello and Fred Rahal (Brazil, 2023)

Special mention: “EL TREN Y LA PENÍNSULA” de Sky Richards y Andreas Kruger Foncerrada (Mexico, 2023)

Official International Short and Medium Film Competition

First prize: “THE VEILED CITY” de Natalie Cubides – Brady (UK, 2023)

Special mention: “CUIDAR DE DÓNDE VENIMOS” de Archivo de la Memoria Popular de la Villa 20 (Argentina, 2024)

RAFMA Award – Argentine Network of Festivals and Audiovisual Samples

First prize: “THROUGH THE PARANÁ: THE DISPUTE OVER THE RIVER” by Franco González and Alejo Di Risio (Argentina, 2023)

Special mention: “EL LEGADO DE LOS ANDES” de Hernán Vilchez (Argentina, 2023)


First prize: “EL TREN Y LA PENÍNSULA” de Sky Richards y Andreas Kruger Foncerrada (Mexico, 2023)

Special mention: “TO THE WATER: HACIA DONDE VAN LAS AGUAS” de Pedro Ponce Uda (Argentina, 2023)

Public Vote Award

Latin American Documentaries: “A TRAVÉS DE LA TIERRA” de Loreley Unamuno y Malena Bystrowicz (Argentina, Bolivia 2024)

Short and International Medium Films: “CUIDAR DE DÓNDE VENIMOS” de Archivo de la Memoria Popular de la Villa 20 (Argentina, 2024)

International films: “EL AGRÓNOMO” de Martín Turnes (Argentina, 2024, 71′)

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