Home»Who, And TV Series»The FICPBA presents the programming and activities of its new edition

The FICPBA presents the programming and activities of its new edition

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The second meeting of the International Film Festival of the Province of Buenos Aires (FICPBA) will take place from 4 al 14 of September, offering 228 productions of 43 countries, with 45 exclusive premieres.

Likewise, The Festival will include keynote talks, musical presentations and a new edition of the Film Students Meeting.

The festival program will have five competitions: International Fiction Feature Film, International Documentary Feature Film, International Short Film, Buenos Aires Feature Film and Buenos Aires Short Film, along with exhibition screenings. The first International Market of the Buenos Aires Audiovisual Industry will also be held, of the 5 al 9 September in La Plata, promoting co-productions and strengthening cultural integration between the province and the world.

Among the featured activities, renowned figures such as Adrián Suar, Pablo Echarri and Julieta Díaz will offer open interviews. further, The conversations will explore topics such as horror films, the relationship between cinema and politics, and cinematography in contemporary cinema. The Provincial Meeting of Film Students, that will bring together more than 500 students from Buenos Aires public universities, will take place on days 5 Y 6 September at the Teatro Argentino Provincial Arts Center in La Plata.

The FICPBA, organized by the Cultural Institute of the Province of Buenos Aires, had its first edition in 2023, and this year promises a broader program with new activities and greater international participation. All events and screenings will be free. The detailed program can be consulted on the official festival website.

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