Home»Who, And TV Series»INCAA presents the last Premiere Thursday of the year

INCAA presents the last Premiere Thursday of the year

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The last day of the year has arrived and with it a new day of Premiere Thursdays on the INCAA screens that this time will show "Good night Malvinas" and "The wound and the knife (Notes for a film about García Wehbi)”.

from 20, the first production to be screened will be the documentary "Good Night Malvinas", directed by Ana Fraile with Lucas Scavino and then it will be the turn of another documentary such as "The wound and the knife", by Miguel Zeballos.

The premieres can be seen on Cine.ar TV this Thursday with a repeat on Saturday 2 January 2021, in the same time. Starting Friday 1 from January, both films will be available on the CINE.AR PLAY platform, for seven days exclusively and free of charge.

In its realization, Fraile and Scavino have the participation of Dalmiro, Elena, Javier and Fabián Bustos, with the voiceover of Rafael Spregelburd.

The directors tell a story that opens a door to see the war in Malvinas. It is a reflection on the different ways of coping with the post-traumatic and on the silent scars that work in the collective unconscious.

Meanwhile, Zeballos presents a story that is seen as a documentary about the creative process of the artist Emilio García Wehbi, but shortly after going through it it becomes a collage, a map of roads that coincide in a kind of essay on the body.

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