Home»Who, And TV Series»INCAA prepares for a new Thursday of national premieres

INCAA prepares for a new Thursday of national premieres

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The National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA) will present tomorrow a new Thursday of premieres, within the framework of its special program of Health Emergency.

In that context and through their screens - from the 22- "Under my dark skin" will be screened, realization of the quilmeño director José Celestino Campusano.

This production was part of the last Mar del Plata International Film Festival and its history revolves around the day to day in the life of Morena Yfrán, that goes through the hours of three transsexuals; not putting the focus on the victimization of minorities but looking to accompany and claim Miriam's daily decisions, Claudia and Morena.

The premiere of "Under my dark skin" comes in the week that International LGBT Day is celebrated, this Sunday 28 of June. In this way, the story of José Celestino Campusano focuses on the fight and respect for diversity, that enriches the debate for a rich and broad society, with multiple points of view.

The projection can be seen on the CINE.AR TV signal, with a repeat on Saturday 27. further, from Friday 26 will be available on the CINE.AR PLAY platform, for seven days, exclusively and free.

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