Home»Who, And TV Series»Legendary actor Donald Sutherland passed away at 88 years

Legendary actor Donald Sutherland passed away at 88 years

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The renowned actor Donald Sutherland died this Thursday in Miami, then fight hard against a serious illness.

The death of the famous artist 88 years was confirmed by his son and also actor Kiefer, who left a heartfelt message through their social networks, along with a photo of both.


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With several films under his belt, Sutherland had a long career., participating in titles such as “The Hunger Games” (The Hunger Games, 2012-2015), “MASH” (1970), “The Mystery of the Black Widow” (Clute, 1971), “Menace in the shadows” (Don’t look now, 1973) and “People as One” (Ordinary People, 1980); among other.

Sutherland, born on 17 July 1935 in Saint John, Canada, He was also recognized for his versatility in film and television. He began his career in the years 60 and has played a wide range of characters in various genres, from comedy to thriller and drama. His talent has been recognized with numerous awards and nominations.. Sutherland has left a significant mark on the entertainment industry over more than five decades., standing out in both commercial successes and independent films.

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