Home»Music»The legendary Paul McCartney will give two concerts in Argentina

The legendary Paul McCartney will give two concerts in Argentina

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The renowned musician and former Beatle Paul McCartney announced his return to our country to give – in principle- two presentations in October.

Through a video on their social networks, McCartney confirmed the concerts in Argentina that will take place, in the first instance the 5 October at the Monumental Stadium of Buenos Aires and the 23 of the same month at the Mario Kempes in Córdoba.

Such a difference in days for presentations in the same country also increases the assumptions of adding other dates within the framework of his Got Back Tour., What does his farewell to the stage mean?.

After his last visit to our country was in March 2019, where he gave his show at the Argentine Polo Field. In this opportunity, will review the great songs from his solo stage and, Of course, the classic stainless steel from the Liverpool band.

Tickets will be available through the AllAccess platform starting this Wednesday 12 as a pre-sale for Santander American Express customers. Finished it, general sale will start.

In addition to our country, McCarney will be at the Centenario Stadium in Montevideo (first of October), Monumental of Santiago de Chile (11) and the National of Lima (27).

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