Home»Art»Luis Felipe Noé teacher opens an exhibition in Rubbers

Luis Felipe Noé teacher opens an exhibition in Rubbers

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"Eighty-six" is the name of the new shows that will have to master Luis Felipe Noé protagonist, with a selection of his works that can be viewed with free admission from 2 of November.

Which formally inaugurate the exhibition from the 11- will be held at Rubbers Gallery Avenida Alvear 1640 in the neighborhood of Recoleta and can be seen until 15 from December, Monday through Friday 11 a 19 and of 11 a 13 Saturdays.

“Metaphysics thing”, one of the artist's works

This exhibition includes unpublished material Artist, which mostly they reflect on the passage of time. In that sense, the name of the exhibition is in reference to the age of Noah, who reflects: "Today I want to do my best work".

The words of the prominent painter come from the interview-text of the exhibition. There notes that "time, for me, It is something that comes and goes. Suddenly I find my artistic past or past experiences and if there is something I do not care at this point is the consistency of an exhibition, "adding that this exhibition" is an example of consistency I care very little for consistency I myself with all my contradictions ".

On the other hand, some of the creations that can be appreciated were conducted in collaboration with Cecilia Revale Ivanchevich and Natalia and her daughter Paula Noah Murphy.

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Luis Felipe Noé: “No art movements, so there are individual experiences”

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