Home»Culture»The Museum of Rock can be seen in Buenos Aires for free

The Museum of Rock can be seen in Buenos Aires for free

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Within the framework of the Night of the Houses of the Provinces in Buenos Aires, between 2 and the 16 December you can enjoy the Rock Museum in the Casa de Santa Fe.

With free entry, This proposal will be available from Monday to Friday from 10 a 15 hours in the enclosure 25 of May 178.

The Museum was presented by Jorge Llonch, Head of the Santa Fe Culture area, together with authorities such as Candelaria González del Pino (Secretary of Federal Management of Santa Fe), Roberto Mirabella (national deputy), the renowned singer-songwriter Juan Carlos Baglietto, who is also a curator and producer of this initiative together with Fernando Piedrabuena and the presidency of Inamu.

The Museo del Rock is an itinerant project that brings together memorabilia of foundational artists of rock by author in Spanish.

About this proposal, Llonch explained that it is a way of "looking for ways to create a living memory". Thus, “The museum intends the same: because it is nourished with contributions from everyone, because it is itinerant and because it is open to collective voices and memories. from this look, a museum is not a closed space but an open area of ​​which we can all be a part”.

Likewise, Juan Carlos Baglietto highlighted that the Museum "is the product of the work of a lot of people and it was hard work, because you had to find things that were significant in the life of each of the artists and that were also important for whoever stands in front of these objects”.

Fernando Piedrabuena, Jorge Llonch, Juan Carlos Baglietto and Roberto Mirabella, present in the museum

"The task was to try to summarize the vast history of music related to rock in our province; It is not a recount of things from the past but a trigger for what is happening in the present in the province and hopefully it will be a starting point for the fortunate future that music has in Santa Fe”, finished the musician.

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