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Tango reaches museums and historical spaces in Buenos Aires

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Within the framework of the Tango BA Festival and World Cup 2024 there will be shows and tango classes, milongas, tour of the Historic Center, exhibitions and activities in various Buenos Aires museums.

Then, We detail the complete schedule of activities.

Talk at the Casa Carlos Gardel Museum

The museums and cultural spaces of the Buenos Aires Ministry of Culture join the programming of the Tango BA Festival and World Cup 2024. Among the activities to be carried out 18 and the 30 of August, there will be shows and tango classes, milongas, gathering celebrating La Boca Day, tour of the Historic Center, samples and much more.

Gardel and the ports

tango show

Thursday 22 August at 17 h

Barraca Peña, Of. Pedro de Mendoza 3003

Roberto Minondi (I sing) and Rodrigo Albornoz (guitar) They perform a handful of tangos and songs that allude to the main ports where Carlos Gardel passed through on his artistic tours..

The ports of Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Chile (Valparaiso) and Uruguay (Montevideo) They received the Creole singer with applause. You will hear the Sevilla pasodoble or the Caprichosa fado and some tangos that refer to the area and the neighborhoods of La Boca and Barracas: That canteen on the riverside, Caminito and Sea Wolf. Some tangos such as Nieblas del Riachuelo or La cantina will also be included in the repertoire., that were composed after Gardel's death but that, surely, he would have incorporated them into his repertoire.

Roberto Minondi is a singer with a long career as a soloist, knowledgeable like few others of the Gardelian repertoire of the early years, in addition to being in the Tango Bardo and La Romántica Milonguera orchestras. Rodrigo Albornoz has carried out an in-depth study of Gardel's guitars, recreating the faithful sound of those thrush companions and dedicating a documentary to the study of that period sound.

Tango classes in the Plaza de la Casa del Historiador

Friday 23 Y 30 August 17 a 20 h

Historian's House, Bolivar 466

Tango classes for all audiences, in the historic patio of the Casa del Historiador, followed by a milonga to put into practice what was learned.

Teacher: Gustavo Sorel

Enrollment space up to 50 people. For adults.

Class duration: 1 hour. Participatory milonga: 2 hours.

Gathering at Barraca Peña

Celebration of the 154 years of the Barrio de La Boca to all tango

On La Boca Day

Saturday 24 August at 14.30 h

Barraca Peña, Of. Don Pedro de Mendoza 3003

Interactive activity with the public. From a series of triggers, Collective memory will be appealed and people will be invited to share anecdotes and stories that the neighborhood preserves..

By Carla Bassi

Duration: 2 hour and a half. Quota: 40 people.

Registration starting Thursday 15 August at 10 h. It is not suspended due to rain.

Tango in the Historic Center

This itinerary invites you to keep tango alive in Argentine culture. Different tanguerías will be visited outside, along a circuit that begins in the epicenter of tango in the Historic Center, Balcarce street, and ends on Avenida de Mayo. The story of this dance will be told, the different stages through which it went, the archetypes of the Buenos Aires suburbs and the language spoken in the suburbs, the stages in which the tango was danced. Those authors who left a mark in this musical genre will be remembered.

Tuesday 27 August at 14 h

Meeting point: Balcarce and the United States

End of the tour: Mayo Avenue to 800

Approximate duration: 120 min.

Pre-registration online.

In case of rain the activity will be suspended.


Museo Carlos Casa Gardel

Jean Jaurès 735

“Troilus, “the other Gardel del Abasto”

The exhibition continues, revealing for the first time the valuable heritage of the Pichuco family. In this unique exhibition, Visitors can admire Troilo's original scores, your family photo archive, his iconic bandoneon, prizes and a collection of 485 commercial recordings. Taller Galván and Renato Venturini will be part of the museum's musical programming within the framework of the Festival. Visiting hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 11 a 19 h. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 11 a 20 h.

Great tango! Milonga for families

Sunday 18 August at 16 h

Free activity. Admission on a first-come, first-served basis until room capacity is exhausted..

further, at the City Museum, The exhibition “From the car to the painting” is presented, that tells the history of Buenos Aires filleting. In both spaces there will be activations with talks and special concerts within the framework of the festival. And the Cinema Museum will screen a series of silent films with tango themes and live music.

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