Home»Who, And TV Series»Premiere of "The Superball", true history of soccer ball

Premiere of "The Superball", true history of soccer ball

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This Tuesday 18 August will arrive online "La Superball", production of VacaBonsai Colectivo Audiovisual directed by Agustín Sinibaldi.

This movie, that can be enjoyed through the Cine.Ar Play platform, has the support of the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA) and the Municipality of Bell Ville.

The particularity of this realization is that it focuses on the true history of the soccer ball, key element of the sport most loved by Argentines. In that premiere "La Superball", true history of soccer ball context, the film is in charge of showing that until the years 30 the soccer ball was not completely round: it had a touch or leather that closed it, that the game was very uncomfortable.

But nevertheless, and Bell Ville, province of Cordoba, three friends developed two inventions that were to revolutionize the sport forever: the modern valve and the invisible seam.

From this novelty, build a name and a thriving and successful industry. But the dream of the bellvillenses would deflate, at the mercy of the ups and downs of the market and oblivion. In the words of the director, "La Superball" is a football story but it is also a story about our culture, our industries and our society ".

The film has a lot of interviewees like Kicalo Polo, Nicolas Sanchez, Juan Carlos Licari, Fernando Fuglini, María Inés Mercado de Luquez, Hector Ventura Luquez, Nelson Iperico, Alberto Perez, Serapio Martinez, Enio Magallanes, María Paula Gerbaldo Desimone, Jose Gomez, Mariela Tulián, Claudia Valeria Carballo, Romina Daniela Tulián, Carina Simonini, Rocío Marta Rearte, Judith Calderon, María Juárez and Verónica Simonini. In addition to the stellar participation of Mario Kempes, Cordovan forward world champion with the Argentine National Team.

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