Home»Music»Singer Rita Lee passed away, one of the icons of brazilian rock

Singer Rita Lee passed away, one of the icons of brazilian rock

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Tras ser diagnosticada con un cáncer de pulmón en 2021, la cantante y compositora Rita Lee murió en su residencia en Sao Paulo, “rodeada por todo el amor de su familia”.

Rita Lee, reina absoluta del rock y la vanguardia brasileña, murió la noche del lunes en su residencia de San Pablo, según confirmó un texto publicado en su cuenta oficial de Instagram.

The artist, que saltó a la fama en los ’60 al frente de la influyente banda de rock psicodélico Os Mutantes, He had faced in recent years a lung tumor that he had ironically baptized "Jair", in reference to his rejection of the policies of then-President Bolsonaro.

In the statement published on his Instagram account, announced that he passed away on Monday at his residence in Sao Paulo, “surrounded by all the love of her family, as always wanted".

His wake will be open to the public this Wednesday., of 10 a 17, at the Ibirapuera Park Planetarium, according to the letter published on his social network.

Rita Lee was the most important female rock artist in her country, not only for having transferred all the spirit of hippism and its psychedelic sounds to local rhythms, but because of the theme of his lyrics, that with his approach to taboo issues such as sex and drugs, led to a veritable cultural revolution.

symbol of feminism, the artist also embodied a lifestyle related to rock culture with its excesses in the consumption of lysergic drugs and some incidents resulting from their habits, como cuando cayó desde un balcón de 15 meters.

Tras sacudir el clima artístico brasileño en los ’60 con Os Mutantes, Rita Lee dejó el grupo que había mixturado el tropicalismo con la psicodelia, a raíz del interés de la banda de ahondar en el rock progresivo.

El espíritu libre de esta artista le llevó a encarar trabajos solistas y a formar una nueva agrupación llamada Tutti Frutti, con la que continuaría en su línea irónica y plagada de libertad.

“Oveja negra”, “Lança Perfume”, “Baila conmigo”, “Amor y sexo” y “Chico bonito” fueron apenas algunos de sus grandes éxitos.

At the beginning of this century, Rita Lee experienced a new wave of world success when she released the album Bossa `n´ Beatles, in which he made updated versions to the rhythms of his country of songs by the popular group from Liverpool. In recent years, Rita Lee published a biography in which she tells with humor and without regrets or intentions of leaving a lesson her experiences with drugs.

The artist died in the privacy of her home, with the full certainty that having managed to inoculate at least a little mental freedom to his generation.


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