Home»Who, And TV Series»Festival of Morelia: It was launched the initiative "FICM presents online"

Festival of Morelia: It was launched the initiative "FICM presents online"

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From Monday 6 April until the 31 of May, International Morelia Film Festival (Ficm) It is available on their site for free play a selection of feature films, Mexican documentaries and short films winners in past editions of FICM.

In this way, "FICM Presents", the initiative of the International Film Festival of Morelia focused on the continued promotion of film culture and creating new audiences, It becomes "FICM presents online" to give continuity to the mission of promoting national cinema in Mexico, Now without leaving home.

This initiative is part of the work performed FICM, from the cultural sphere, before the contingency COVID-19. The aim is to offer the public an open and free virtual place where they can enjoy high-quality Mexican films while they are practicing social distancing measures.

Biweekly, FICM presents online will make available a new cycle of winners of FICM in http://www.moreliafilmfest.com.

Some of the movies that can be viewed online at FICM presents are:

"I", Matthias Meyer

"The pleasure is mine", Elisa Miller

"The kings of the people that does not exist", of Betzabé García

"The man who saw too", de Trisha Ziff

“Bosnian Dream”, Sergio Flores

Later they will be available, among other:

"The vigilant", Diego Ros

"Beautiful Night", Maria Jose Cuevas

"Storm", de Tatiana Huezo

“Verde”, Alonso Ruizpalacios

"John Dogs", Rodrigo Ímaz

"Yesterday I was wonder", Gabriel Mariño

"Back to the origins", Maria Jose Glender

"Family Story", Sumie García

"Heaven", Sofia Carrillo

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