Home»Books, magazines and publishers»FILBA announced five exclusive performances in its online edition

FILBA announced five exclusive performances in its online edition

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The FILBA Festival recently announced a series of performances that will arrive to be part of its new edition, which this time will be online and will take place between Friday 16 And the saturday 24 October.

"Poetry URL", "Each thing is all things", "Living is going from one space to another", "Let's take a case" and "Drawn interview" are the names of the performances that can be enjoyed in the virtual meeting.

The first of these performances will be online during the 9 FILBA days, where artists, Latin American writers and editors will present projects in which literature appears expanded, as a form of translation not between languages ​​but between systems. Memes, bots, video poems, literatura random, ecopoetry, internet oracles, this time, the translation does not seek the highest possible fidelity, but on the contraty: seeks to break, rearm, update languages, including new responsive layers.

The performance will be online at www.poesiaurl.filba.org.ar from 16/10.

On Friday 16 it will be the turn of "Each thing is all things" from 21 and on Filba's YouTube channel.

A mountain of books, an arbitrary and personal library. A woman picks up a book and reads a random fragment. And another woman responds with another fragment from another book as impulsive as it is hazardous. When the contact is remote, words are a bridge. While, someone types what he hears in a document we share. Interprets, translate, take note, how can you or how you want, crossed by your own references, from his own experience. Wants to be a blank paper, tries. And those readings captured, those notes that chase the meaning and fail to catch it, they are building a collective and continuous text, in a pure present.

Every thing is all things is a remote performance inspired by "The spirit is a book" by Agustina Muñoz and Bárbara Hang.

Thursday 22 (from 22) and also from the YouTube channel will be "Living is going from one space to another".

This proposal, after months of confinement, the walls of our houses became a daily scene that we had to rebuild and re-inhabit, modifying the very nature of spaces. In the privacy of a kitchen or a room, an actress and dancer, a writer and a singer compose different barely rarefied domestic scenes.

Julieta Venegas will participate in this section, Margarita Molfino and Federico Falco.

"Let's say" will be held on Saturday 24 -from 22-, together with translators and not with actors. Far from taking the form of a symposium, participants are subjected to a series of humiliations, common for sense professionals who travel from one place to another: untranslatable poetics, cultural colonialisms, spurious authorities, unusual remunerations. While our heroes participate in a contest for a toaster or a set of sheets, inadvertently crush the soul of the algorithm: Will there be translation without the intervention of the human?

A text by Rafael Spregelburd in collaboration with Ian Barnett, Manuela Cherubini, Frances Riddle, Rodolfo Prantte, Ariel Dilon, Javier Marra y Svenja Becker.

Finally in the "Drawn Interview" (Saturday 24, 19 hours), will be Oliver Jeffers and Isol, who will create characters and universes celebrated by readers of all ages, his books occupy privileged places in the libraries of many of our homes and in the emotional memory of children. From the authors, two languages ​​and a common language: illustration. In this meeting they will talk between the lines, colors and characters.

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