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Filbita Account, the reading proposal in times of quarantine

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Reading time: < 1 minutes

"Filbita Cuenta" is a free tool, which can be listened to through Spotify and is intended to encourage reading and in turn keep children together, who saw their school routine altered.

From the Filba Foundation, explain that "for three months, everyday life has taken on completely new characteristics: with the slogan of staying home for the care of all, routines were altered and the simplest things became strange ”.

In that context, “Girls and boys miss school, they miss being with friends, with their teachers, in the courtyards, in the squares. And we miss seeing them together, to play, have their spaces and build their own universes day by day ”.

From that point comes the proposal and the invitation to meet again in a very special way: through a story read by all. The slogan is extended to both teachers, librarians and directors to join with the boys and girls in “Filbita Cuenta” with a story read by all.

To join this proposal you can write to filbitacuenta@filba.org.ar and to be able to listen to it, it can just be done Click here!

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