Home»Who, And TV Series»The nominees for the Silver Condor Awards were announced

The nominees for the Silver Condor Awards were announced

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In the last few hours, the Association of Cinematographic Chroniclers of Argentina provided the list of all the nominees for the new edition of the Condor Awards, that highlight the work of the national production of 2021.

The list emerged within the framework of the award ceremony for the winners of the editions 2019 Y 2020, that were suspended due to the pandemic and were carried out in the Atlas Caballito complex.

This issue (the number 70) of the traditional Condor Awards will take place on 3 October in the CC25 de Mayo and will be broadcast through the screen of the Public Television and the Contar platform.

On the other hand, in addition to the nominees, the entity took the opportunity to publicize the new institutional image and present a new design for the traditional Silver Condor created by Diego González and where a modernist style of straight lines and the use of acrylic and alpaca stands out..

"The dog that does not shut up" by Ana Katz with 17, “The Fugitive” by Natalia Meta with 15, “Carnival” by John Paul Felix con 12, "The attachment" by Valentín Javier Diment con 9 and “History of the occult” by Christian Ponce with 8 were the most nominated films for the 70 edition of the Silver Condor Awards.

The list includes "A Common Crime" by Francisco Márquez and "Errante Corazón" by Leonardo Brzezicki with 5 each one, and “Implosion” by Javier Van de Couter, “I baby, yo princess” by Federico Palazzo and “Esquirlas” by Natalia Garayalde with 4. Also nominated are “Nocturna” by Gonzalo Calzada and “Bandido” by Luciano Juncos with 3 applications, and “Withdrawals (in)volunteers” by Sandra Gugliotta and “A house without curtains” by Julián Troksberg with 2.

The attachment of Valentín Javier Diment, The dog that won't shut up by Ana Katz, Natalia Meta's fugitive, Implosion of Javier Van de Couter, Carnival by Juan Pablo Felix and A Common Crime by Francisco Marquez, compete as the best feature films of the past year.

For this release they were assessed a total of 190 Argentine movies released from the 1 January 31 from December to 2021 both in movie theaters and through the different public and private streaming platforms and television channels.

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