Home»Who, And TV Series»Guillermo Francella and Diego Peretti began with the shooting of his new film

Guillermo Francella and Diego Peretti began with the shooting of his new film

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"The robbery of the century" is the name of the new production directed by Ariel Winograd, It is featuring stellar performances by Guillermo Francella and Diego Peretti and already began to be recorded.

Filming work will run for seven weeks and will be shot in different locations located in Greater Buenos Aires and in the province of Mendoza, with the production of Pola and Alex Zito, Juan Pablo Garcia, Fernando seam, Ricardo Freixa, Axel Javier Del Pino Kuschevatzky.

This new production will be under the distribution of Warner Bros. Pictures throughout Latin America and will be in the first months of next year.

The story is based on the historical robbery occurred 13 of January of 2006 in Acassuso branch of Banco Rio, materialized by a gang of five men who managed to outwit 300 police using only toy guns.

It should be noted that, according to police history of our country, It is considered the best shot and turn in fourth place worldwide.

In this film, The cast is completed by Luis Luque, Pablo Rago, Ferro and Rafael Mariano Argento.

They lived moments of tension during that day, that had the Falcon Group members waiting for the signal to authorize their entry into the enclosure. But nevertheless, Once inside they found only with the hostages, absolutely false weapons and all security boxes empty.

On the other hand, Uniformed also find themselves in one of the boxes, the note left by one of the criminals that read "No weapons or rancor, in well-heeled neighborhood, It is not just silver and loves ".

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