Home»Music»Guns N 'Roses announced their return to the big stadium tour

Guns N 'Roses announced their return to the big stadium tour

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Through its official site, Guns N 'Roses announced their return to the big stadiums, on the tour that was interrupted by the advance of COVID-19.

The return of the consecrated band will take place from November next year and will be in the territory of Australia and New Zealand, with a total of 8 concerts, starting the day 6 in the city of Costa de Oro.

The recitals in Australia will continue the 9 in Adelaide, the 11 en Melbourne, the 14 in Sydney and finally the 16 and Brisbane. Later the tour will continue in New Zealand, with presentations in Wellington (19) and Dunedin (21).

Before continuing with the tour, the group led by Axl Rose will give one last show on Australian soil, more precisely in the city of Perth, the 24 of November.

It should be noted that the new dates for the group's tour of Latin America have not yet been confirmed.. Guns N 'Roses was to be one of the central acts of the Lollapalooza festival, based at the Hipódromo de San Isidro.

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