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Jaime Correas and a historical book about Friar Aldao

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Mendoza writer Jaime Correas presents his most recent historical work, “Friar Aldao, a general of the Holy Federation”, published by Marea Editorial.

This new work, belonging to the collection Los Caudillos, intends to disarm the black legend of the demonized priest and ruthless federal warlord.

Aldao, with a reputation as an ardent lover, inveterate drinker and card player, he left his habits until he became a heroic general of the Army of the Andes and governed Mendoza in the name of federalism.

This character belonging not only to Mendoza history, but national, It has been key in the civil wars, but, especially, an awkward and elusive figure. For liberals it was a symbol of barbarism, and for the feds, a second line character.

From the hand of this book the author will try to answer why despite being a hero of American Independence, how Aldao was left in a limbo of ignorance.

Through this new post, Correas masterfully proposes a journey between history and narrative to rewrite the world of Aldao. After exhaustive historical and documentary research, will resort to narration to bring the impulsive figure to life, passionate and contradictory of the friar who became general of the Holy Federation.

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