Home»Music»"The song of the beasts", new video clip of Fito Páez

"The song of the beasts", new video clip of Fito Páez

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After the success of "Paez en América", the virtual show he performed on Friday 15 May and that it was broadcast by various media not only locally but also internationally, Fito Páez presented the video clip for “The song of the beasts”, one of the songs from his last album, "The Conquest of Space".

The video was filmed during the quarantine from the musician's own house, in a collective and remote realization with Max Rompo, Alex Pippa, Iván Zimerman and Julia Taboada.

The song was spontaneously chosen by the public as one of the new album's favorites, plaque engraved at the legendary Capitol Studios (Hollywood), Ocean Way Nashville Studio (Nashville) e Igloo Music (Burbank).

"This is an acoustic tint song where the beast is the guy who bears the weight, the slave. There I represent myself and there I see all human beings. We are all beasts; even the most unclean murderer has a heart and that has value. It is told in the first person: I am the beast, I take responsability, that's why the song excites me so much ”, explains Páez.

The artist added: "The video emerged in these times of pandemic; I called Max Rompo -my friend- and i said: ´I would like us to start playing, I'm going to send you some images´. I filmed myself on the phone, here at home, I made several long shots, short shots, I made some macros with eyes, hands, boca. Max cuando ve el material convoca a Alex Pippa, who is your colleague with whom you work regularly, y ahí comienzan a jugar tomando algunas partes de las filmaciones que les mandé. Avanzan con la fantasía de animar unos monstruitos hermosos, along with Ivan Zimerman who joined the animation. To the material that I filmed they added other materials filmed by them, they used eye extracts, they played with a kind of deformation of the face, there were many processes, and we did everything in 10 days".

“It was an urgent video, a way to have fun. We all liked the song. By last, Julia Taboada joined with the Mandarin translations, an idea that Max brings. It was a collective work, we did it together and we are very proud of this video made at a distance and with a lot of love ”, express.

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