Home»theater»The city of Buenos Aires and Chile continue to promote theater

The city of Buenos Aires and Chile continue to promote theater

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The Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires and the Fundación Teatro a Mil in Santiago de Chile continue their collaboration agreement - begun in 2011- with a new cultural exchange that will emphasize the performing arts.

The purpose of this collaboration is to continue crossing borders and accompany the public and the artistic community at this very special moment for the region.

In that context, the exchange will take place from Thursday 16 of July, with the cross transmission of different content on performing arts, that can be enjoyed on the websites of both institutions, (https://teatroamil.tv) Y (www.buenosaires.gov.ar/culturaencasa).

During this agreement and through both platforms, some of the content that can be enjoyed are as follows:

Brief Encounters with repulsive men

In the context of health crisis, the Chilean version of the work Brief encounters with repulsive men, directed by Daniel Veronese and based on the text by the American author David Foster Wallace, comes to life through a dramatized short-form online reading. By the renowned Chilean actors Marcelo Alonso and Francisco Reyes, the experience through the screens is accompanied by a dialogue with the creators.


Moments, companies and artists who have left their mark on the contemporary scene, especially within the performing arts of Chile. More of 30 documentaries to delve into the creative processes, inspirations and different stages that give life to a theatrical project.

Creative women

A selection of interviews and master classes from various directors, playwright, choreographers and actresses with an active role in the contemporary scene, inspiring through their creative proposals new generations of artists.


From the voice of important referents of the performing arts in Chile and the world, the creative universe that characterizes his works and his vision of the role of art is explored, especially from the theater, dance and music in today's society.

At the same time, at www.teatroamil.tv you can see the following content from the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires:

The Argentine boy by Mauricio Kartun

The work is a political parody based - precisely - on that emblematic custom: the relationship between the son of the family - that unimpeachable Argentine Child -, his pawn and the cow –which completes the classic triangle–, organize the plot. Written and directed by Mauricio Kartun, with a cast made up of Mike Amigorena, Osqui Guzmán and María Inés Sancerni, The Argentine boy premiered at the Cunill Cabanellas Hall of the Buenos Aires Theater Complex in 2006 with great public and critical call, and numerous subsequent presentations.

The deserted island

The Group of Puppeteers of the Teatro General San Martín presents a play written by Roberto Arlt. It is a text that expresses a critical vision of the world, and the human condition, counted on puppets of direct manipulation that move away somewhat from the human dimension, to enable the text from irony and tenderness. At the same time the puppeteers, converted vehicles characters across the stage, they submit to the characters and they both mock authoritarianism and the overwhelming routine.

The library of messy books

Puppeteers Group Theater San Martin, through the Buenos Aires Theater Complex, presents The Library of Disordered Books, a work that sets eyes on the "different", the "strangers" and about the singularity that each one makes him what he is.

Buenos Aires Scenarios “Oil” Program

An oil field in Patagonia. Four men live together in a trailer and, just a few meters from there, extract oil from an almost empty well. Up, free time is covered in dust, of dark myths of the area, of physical challenges. Down, the stone fractures to extract the last drop, what little is left. Dramaturgy and direction: Lava Skin, Laura Fernandez. Interpreters: Elisa Carricajo, Valeria Correa, Pilar Gamboa, Laura Paredes. Scenography: Rodrigo Gonzalez Garillo. Original Production: Buenos Aires Theater Complex / Duration: 100’

About this new cultural exchange, Minister of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires, Enrique Avogadro, he stated: “We are proud of this new cultural bridge that crosses borders, this time with Santiago de Chile, through the Teatro Mil Foundation. It is a country with which we have a history of cooperation and mutual support. And we hope everyone can enjoy it. It will allow us to approach content related to his artistic life, but also from other countries in the region; continue expanding access to culture, in the middle of this context that today we have to go through ".

Meanwhile, Carmen Romero, general director of Fundación Teatro a Mil, highlighted: “This cultural bridge is a way to stay connected with the city of Buenos Aires, with whom from 2011, within the framework of a collaboration agreement, we have expanded the scenarios beyond our territories, allowing a permanent dialogue between our creators and publics. As a way to deepen those exchanges, This alliance between Cultura en Casa and Teatroamil.tv will allow us to share content on performing arts, that value Chilean creation, Argentina and Latin American”.

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