The fourth season of "Indoor Plants" premieres on Timbre 4
The show "Indoor Plants" will begin its fourth season this Friday under the direction of Ayelén Del Valle in Timbre 4.
With functions every Friday from 23.15, This work belonging to Sol Rodríguez Seoane brings together six peculiar characters grouped in a small apartment in the downtown.
throughout the play, the protagonists will establish imperceptible bonds of love in small daily gestures. Due, over a year, some of them will grow excessively, others will remain unchanged and others will be allowed to wither.
Starring Martin Lerner, Cristina Parpaglione, Augustine Friedt, Julia Ferreiro, Facundo Tablar, jasmine casaux, the work talks about small changes in people's lives, changes that are only noticeable over time. At the same time, narrates the love that is present between them, but sometimes, don't show it enough.
Tickets can be obtained at the ticket offices of the venue located on Boedo 640 or by the Alternative Theatrical system.