Home»theater»“La Era del Cuero” returns to the CC25 de Mayo billboard

“La Era del Cuero” returns to the CC25 de Mayo billboard

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From Friday 16 of June, “The Leather Era” -show by Pablo Rotemberg- returns to the CC25 de Mayo stage for a new season.

With functions Friday and Saturdays from 20 hours, the work presents a post-apocalyptic world where the Leather Age stands as a new society. Within that concept, the renowned director and choreographer investigates the malambo from a contemporary language, to explore topics of Argentine history.

This show has the participation of Alejandro "Baby Cata" Desanti, Maximilian Diaz, Carla Di Grazia, Nickytuns, Mark Olivera, Ezequiel Posse, Facundo Posse and Carla Rimola, with dramaturgy by Eugenia Cadús

Cadús herself explains that in this work "we witness the beginning of a new era where the body of what we noticed as the nation is as dismembered as those who inhabit the scene. battered beings, failed, who are trying to rebuild.

Due, the leather, “sign of corporeality, breaks through in the face of a loss of essence. Leather as what remains after leaving, dissect, disembowel and empty the body.

Tickets can be obtained at the ticket offices of the venue located on Avenida Triunvirato 4444 or on the official site of CC25 de Mayo.

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