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The Children's and Youth Book Fair presented the Pregonero Awards

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The Buenos Aires Children's and Youth Book Fair, organized by the Fundación El Libro, continues to be a crucial event for the dissemination of children's and youth literature in Argentina.

In its edition 2024, the winners of the Pregonero Awards were announced, that recognize the most prominent figures and organizations in this genre.

The fair, With free entry, can be visited until Sunday 28 of July, of 14 a 20 hours, at the CCK of Sarmiento 151.

Then The sidewalk details each of the winners.

Poly Bernatene, Honorary Crier Award

The illustrator Poly Bernatene has been awarded the Honorary Crier Award for his outstanding career in the illustration of children's and young people's books. His work is recognized both in Argentina and in countries like Mexico., Colombia, Spain and many others. further, president of the Association of Cartoonists of Argentina (THERE IS).

Visual Language Chair 3, Crier Award for Institution

The Chair of Visual Language 3 from the National University of La Plata, with its project “Solidarity Illustrated Books LV3”, has been awarded for its combination of artistic creativity and social commitment. Since 2009, This project involves hundreds of students in the creation of illustrated books donated to public welfare institutions..

Social Storytellers, Special Crier Award

Since 2009, The Social Storytellers meet weekly at the Central Library of Buenos Aires to tell stories in various institutions, including hospitals and prisons. His work extends through his YouTube channel, reaching a wider audience.

Gustavo Bombini, Crier Award for Specialist

Gustavo Bombini, doctor of Letters and professor at several universities, He has been recognized for his contribution to children's and youth literature. His work includes the coordination of reading programs and the publication of numerous articles and books in this field..

Radio Tacatun, Pregonero Award for Journalism and Communication

Radio Tacatun, born during the pandemic, It is a radio production in which children are the protagonists. The program offers a mix of music, jokes, reviews and interviews, highlighting the active participation of young people in the creation of content.

Yuyo's little book, Pregonero Award for Digital Content

Rodrigo Ures, creator of “Little Book of Yuyo”, has been awarded for his series of radio interviews that pay tribute to key figures in the publishing world of Latin America. The program is broadcast on the radio, streaming and social networks.

Ruca Quimn Popular Library, Crier Award for Library

Located in Bariloche, the Ruca Quimn Popular Library carries 25 years supporting local children and adolescents with workshops, reading marathons and various activities. Founded by Victoria Baldinelli, It is a cultural pillar in the community.

Maria Eugenia Pons, Crier Award for Bookstore

Maria Eugenia Pons, free, author and editor, She is recognized for her work at Ponsatti Libros. His bookstore organizes reading festivals and other activities that encourage a love of books among children in Funes, Santa Fe.

Andrea Martinoli, Crier Award for Narrator

With more than two decades of experience, Andrea Martinoli has told stories in libraries, museums and other spaces. Her participation in the Buenos Aires Book Fair makes her a central figure in this event.

Mariana Baggio, Crier Award for Theater, Music and Puppets

Mariana Baggio, singer and composer of children's music, He has toured theaters in Argentina and other countries with his band “Boats and Butterflies”. His work combines music with Argentine folklore and he has published several albums and books for children..

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