Home»Art»The Gachi Prieto Gallery presents its new exhibition “Arde”

The Gachi Prieto Gallery presents its new exhibition “Arde”

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With photographs by Alejandro Chaskielberg, in collaboration with Don Rouch, the Gachi Prieto Gallery will inaugurate “Arde”, his most recent sample.

The appointment will be on Thursday 22 August from the 18, moment when the exhibition is officially inaugurated, with the presence of the artist who will dialogue with those present.

“Arde” is a narrative that documents the most devastating fire that occurred in a population in the history of Argentina.. A series of photographs from Chaskielberg, accompanied by metalwork pieces by Don Rouch, account for the environmental and social consequences of the voracious Patagonian fires of the 2021.

View of the forest fire near El Bolson, on the east face of Cerro Piltriquitrón. (6/2/21)

During six months of 2021, Alejandro Chaskielberg made an exhaustive record of the different causes and social and environmental consequences of this catastrophe. The introduction of non-native trees, the land seizures in old pine plantations that burned completely and the people who lost everything in the fires are the subjects of one of his latest photographic series.

Later, “Arde” can be visited from Monday to Friday from 14 a 19 hours and on Saturdays 15 a 19 until its closure, Thursday 10 October.

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