Home»theater»"The Great Resignation" begins its new season at the Cine Teatro El Plata

"The Great Resignation" begins its new season at the Cine Teatro El Plata

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The show "The Great Resignation", show by Lisandro Fiks, will return to the stage of the Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires, this time at the Cine Teatro El Plata in Mataderos.

Construction site, a free version of “La fiaca” –text by Ricardo Talesnik- will offer performances every Saturday and Sunday from 17 hours from 25 February.

Gastón Cocchiarale, Laura Cymer, Abian Vainstein, Romina Fernandes and Lisandro Fiks himself, they are the stars of the show, which also has the virtual participation of Luis Brandoni.

in his version, Fiks presents the story of an employee of an advertising company who makes the decision to rebel against the labor system that forces him to be available 24 hours the 7 weekdays.

Emphasizing your mental health and quality of life, one day he decides not to go to work, turn off your cell phone and claim the vacations corresponding to the extra hours in which you were available.

The original text was made in the 70s, that even reached theaters by the hand of Fernando Ayala, Norman Briski and Norma Alexander.

Tickets can be obtained at the ticket offices of the venue located on Avenida Juan Bautista Alberdi 5765 or through the official site of the CTBA.

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