Home»Books, magazines and publishers»UNQ is preparing for the Ninth Festival of the Book and Magazine

UNQ is preparing for the Ninth Festival of the Book and Magazine

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Between 11 and the 13 of September, more of 150 independent publishers will gather at the National University of Quilmes (UNQ) to be part of the ninth edition of the Festival of the Book and Magazine.

This return of the largest gathering of Buenos Aires province in relation to the book, the main theme is music and for that reason will be the presence of publishers, authors and artists related discipline.

As always, the meeting will be in the main building of the institution located on Roque Sáenz Peña 352, With free entry (of 13 a 20.30 hours). In that context, and beyond the difficulties of editing a new publication, independent publishers have presented near 750 new achievements during the past year.

Among the publishers will present The Gourmet Musical, Barry Editorial, Go with me, Disconario, Clara Beter editions, Shoot the messenger, Alcohol & photocopies, as well as Biblos and CICCUS.

At the same time, embodiments of established firms will be presented in the south, as Hincohe, A few steps from the end of this world (Quilmes), Literary Tarumá (Florencio Varela), Charco (Berazategui), Moving Train (Temperley), Goblins of Patagonia (forests), Sudestada (Lomas de zamora), The Red Wheelbarrow (Luis Guillon), study Mafia (Hummock), Rucu Editor (Banfield), The slip Edyziones (Merlo), Cantamañanas (San Miguel) and Cienflores (Ituzaingó).

This year's novelty will be the arrival of a group of publishers from Rosario as the Editorial Library (the seal of the iconic Library Vigil), the imprint of UNR and independent Casagrande, Wild books, aguará, Last resource, Salmon and HyA editions.

Cooperatives also have their place, with stands of El Zocalo, many nuts, Minga, Great Homeland and Cultural Cooperative Callao, with which the University has been working -in training and other joint projects- through Hatchery Practice Associative Editorials.

Beard Bees, Amauta & Yaguar and Eloisa Cartonera are artisanal publishers appointment will also give the big party.

While, They may be carried out various activities and participate in lectures and exhibitions, panels and workshops and the presence of Miss Bolivia, Paula Maffía, Rosario Bléfari, writers Juan Bautista Duizeide and Walter Lezcano, among some of the guests.

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