Home»Music»Lalo Aguilar presents "Backpack", his record debut

Lalo Aguilar presents "Backpack", his record debut

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The Chaco singer-songwriter Lalo Aguilar has just released "Mochila", his first studio album which is now available on all digital platforms.

With the presence of prominent guests from the local and international scene - such as Ana Prada and Martín Buscaglia, among others-, the album began to be known in October, moment the first single was introduced, "Turtles".

Aguilar was preparing "Backpacks" on the banks of the Tragadero River, located in Colonia Benítez, Chaco, town where the artist currently lives, in his house and Cultural Center La imperfecta.

The artistic direction and assistance was in charge of Matemá Transforma, using the Chaco mountain as a setting, the production was in charge of This Also Is Sonando and the realization counted on the look of Federico Ramírez.

As the artist explains, the name of the album represents “a backpack full of songs that has accompanied me for years. At the same time, throwing these songs out into the world is like taking the weight out of this backpack, to start filling it with new stories ".

In addition to the Uruguayans Prada and Buscaglia are part of the guest list Esteban Peón (percussion, schedules and bass); Luis Piedrabuena (low); Mauro Siri (voices); Patrick Hermosilla (guitar, requinto y ukelele); Luciano Maro (bass and double bass); Diego Cubilla placeholder image (piano and keyboards); Mauro Bonamino (accordion); Uli Gómez, Bruno González and Alito Fernández (percussion); Juan Castro (keyboards); Emiliano Khayat (piano and accordion); Pablo Ibáñez (low) and César Dellamea (electric guitar).

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