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Door-to-door reading in the City for International Book Day

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In the framework of International Book Day, which is celebrated every 23 of April, the Ministry of Culture of the City will carry out different actions in order to promote reading in a difficult context of social isolation, preventive and mandatory. Door to door books is one of these initiatives and is aimed at older adults.

This is a special release of books for older adults that aims to accompany them in this stage of social isolation so that they can cope with the situation in the best possible way.

The initiative organized by the General Directorate for Book Promotion, las Bibliotecas y la Cultura y la Red de Bibliotecas Públicas de la Ciudad, busca promover la lectura pero también acercarse a los hogares de las personas mayores a través de una experiencia enriquecedora.

It will be a different way of connecting them with stories, soap operas, essays; stories of different genres and authors, contemporaries and classics of all time, to travel with the imagination. A huge cultural capital that continually reaches the libraries from donations from residents of the City and that was collected, ordered and selected to make it available to those interested in having a literary appointment "blindly" in a modality that we have called "door to door culture".

Older adults can access this service, if they wish, through option 2 of the line 147. This option communicates them with a volunteer of the Greater Care of the City Government program who will be able to offer you the possibility of receiving a book..

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