Home»Who, And TV Series»A new edition of the International Environmental Film Festival arrives

A new edition of the International Environmental Film Festival arrives

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Of the 12 al 19 of June, The 7th edition of the International Environmental Film Festival will take place (FINCA) in various cinemas and cultural centers in the City of Buenos Aires, as well as online through the Lumiton platform.

This cinematic event, competitive and international, has been organized since 2010 by the DerHumalc Multimedia Institute (IMD).

In its seventh edition, the festival will present 55 movies about 27 countries, that will be screened at the following venues: French alliance, Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK), CNB The House, General San Martín Cultural Center and the Memory and Human Rights Space (CC Conti and House for Identity, ex ESMA). further, Special activities will be held at the Goethe-Institut Buenos Aires and the Hunger Museum.

FINCA includes three official competitions: International films, Short and International Medium Films, and Latin American Documentaries. The RAFMA Prize will be awarded (Argentine Network of Festivals and Audiovisual Samples), el Premio SIGNIS, and a special mention chosen by public vote.

The programming of this edition is organized in 11 thematic sections: Climate Justice, Ecofeminism, Econscience and Sustainability, Schools, Energy Horizons, Youth, Mother Earth, Food Sovereignty, We are Water, Finita (dedicated to childhood) and FICDH-Human Rights. further, there will be two special sections: a focus dedicated to films from Palestine and the Ventana Ecozine, with a selection of films from the Ecozine Festival of Spain.

The festival will not only offer film screenings, but will also have the participation of directors and experts in various topics to promote exchange and collective reflection. Among the complementary activities, a free training on Sustainable Cinema stands out on 14 June in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Buenos Aires and the Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires (CCEBA-AECID). This training will feature the participation of specialists such as Birgit Heidsiek (Germany), Paloma Andrés Urrutia (Spain), Florence Nates (Argentina) and references of streaming platforms, who will offer tools for the management of environmental impact and sustainability in the audiovisual industry. further, the 15 In June, a Community Assembly will be held at the Hunger Museum, coordinated by Enrique Viale, where activists and environmental leaders will debate climate justice, energy transition, access to water and food sovereignty.

FINCA is a cultural and social project that invites us to discover how cinema and audiovisual narrative can enhance awareness and commitment to environmental sustainability to promote a more just and equal future.. The selected films, coming from an international call, include short films, mediometrajes, feature films and documentaries that address diverse narratives and innovative languages. These productions portray life stories, popular struggles and emblematic cases of environmental pollution, with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of defending nature as a common good and subject of rights.

The festival is organized by the IMD, a non-profit association founded in 1999 to promote human rights from a comprehensive perspective through the audiovisual arts. In addition to the FINCA, The IMD organizes the International Human Rights Film Festival biennially (FICDH), the first cinematographic meeting dedicated to this topic in Latin America, which already has twenty editions.

This edition of FINCA has Climate Justice as its central motto, seeking to address the causes and consequences of global warming from a socio-environmental perspective. The festival proposes a just ecological transition, with economic equity, sovereignty of the people and gender equality, in a space for meeting and critical reflection between artists, activists and specialists.

All festival activities are free, but require prior registration through the website www.finca.imd.org.ar. FINCA has the support of the Canadian Embassies, Brazil, Belgium and Spain in Argentina; the Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires (CCEBA-AECID), Anchoita Films, the Lumiton platform (Secretary of Culture of Vicente López) and the Cultural Patronage of Buenos Aires.

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